Rev. Bethany Tippin

Team Leader, Story Coach, Pastor

Bethany is an ordained minister in the Northwest District of The Wesleyan Church. She earned her MDiv from Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University in 2022. Bethany currently serves as Spiritual Caregiver (Hospice Chaplain) at Sheridan Memorial Hospital, and lives on a small "ranch" in Banner, WY where she and her husband tend children, chickens, and honeybees. Bethany's previous life experiences include teaching music, arranging and accompanying, songwriting, leading worship, all things creative arts, and pastoring in a traditional church setting. She loves worship, words, the chance to travel, championing others' dreams, and being supportively present with people.

John Horsley

Story Coach, Companion, Pastor

John Horsley is a gifted teacher of scripture who loves prayer and can't help but encourage others. He loves having conversations about God and is passionate about people. John recently retired from Spring Creek Mine and enjoys horses, hunting, carpentry projects, and God’s beautiful creation. John is married to Angel and they have four children who have given them 14 grandchildren! They enjoy visiting their family often. John has a background in wrestling, both as an athlete and as a coach. He marvelously connects the disciplines necessary for athletic success with the determination and direction needed in the spiritual life. John is a fabulous mentor and friend.

Melody Anderson

Storyteller, Story Coach, Copywriter, Companion

Melody is passionate about stories. She loves reading biographies and autobiographies, gleaning insights from real-life challenges and triumphs. She is a gifted writer who especially enjoys listening to people's stories, getting to know them, and writing about their lives. Melody is raising 6 incredible, spunky girls who love Jesus, each other, and creativity. She is wonderfully in tune with the voice of God, passionate about marriage, family, divorce, and blended family concerns, and lives a life of faithful simplicity. Melody reads the stories of God's people with clarity and holy imagination, assisting others in making scripture come alive.

Dr. Steve Chandler

Songwriter, Worship Leader, Pastor

Steve brings our team over 40 years of ministerial experience—from pastoral leadership to college administration, Bible translation, missions work, ministerial coaching, and church planting. He completed his doctorate at Carrey Theological College, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, with an emphasis in “Transitional Leadership.” He joins us at this juncture of his life to breathe vitality and passion into Songs and Stories. Steve has a heart for worship, a knack for networking, and a long-standing love of music. He writes songs to bless the heart of the Lord and inspire others toward joy. He is a fantastic encourager, dedicated intercessor, and loyal mentor. Steve and Luanne have been married 48 years, have 4 daughters, and thoroughly enjoy their 7 grandchildren.

TeriAnn Frey

Story Group Leader, Story Coach, Companion, Ministerial Student

TeriAnn is called to theological study, the discipleship of women, and teaching. She has a heart for missions and the gift of prayer. Teri brings with her the mighty testimony of a life completely rewritten and transformed through the power of Jesus. She is passionate about helping others see the truth and light of Christ within both the beautiful and difficult parts of life. Teri is currently studying theology at Wesley Seminary while also working full time in the marketplace. She works at Sheridan Memorial Hospital in Outpatient Clinical Informatics (computer stuff!). She loves travel, food, gardening, cats, and time in the mountains with her family. Teri has an incredible teenage son who is passionate about bowling and music.

Cora (Wood) Pederson

Songwriter, Worship Leader

Cora developed a love for singing and writing songs at the age of four. When she wasn't busy singing and writing cowboy poetry, she was pushing cows horseback with her dad, or participating in youth horse shows and rodeos. Cora draws on all of her experiences and influences to write music that is raw, relatable, and tells a story. She graduated from Sheridan College in Sheridan Wyoming in the spring of 2022 with an Associates of Fine Arts (Music) and both Music Technology and Arts Administration Certificates. Cora continues to lean into worship leadership, special-and-yet-everyday encounters with God, and how to bridge the worlds of ministry and music.

Katie Christopherson

Story Coach, Story Group Leader, Counselor

Katie is a clinician from Foundations for Living Whole. Trained in Narrative Therapy through The Allender Center, she runs Story Groups based on utilizing our life stories, the truth of God, and new perspectives to bring about healing and wholeness. Katie is passionate about story because God has rewritten key passages in hers, bringing about fulfillment and peace. She is a watchman for God's kingdom and a woman of vision. Katie is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Wyoming with over 15 years of counseling experience. She knows that we are all affected by the mental, emotional, physical, nutritional, relational, and spiritual parts and pieces of our lives. She believes in the health and wholeness that comes from replacing and restoring faulty foundations and negative cycles. She is especially gifted at helping people rewrite their thought lives in accordance with the truth of the Holy Spirit. Her training includes EMDR, Circle of Security, MTFC, Theraplay, Marshak, The Body Keeps Score, and Narrative Therapy.

Lisa Lunbeck

Intercessor, Ministry Midwife

Lisa is a powerhouse of a worshiper and intercessor. Her role in the kingdom often looks like assisting in the incubation and birthing of ministries. Lisa joins us in the preliminary days of our ministry to ask questions, discern alongside the Spirit, provide feedback as a beta-tester, and support the team via prayer. She is a passionate wife, mom, and grand-mom. Lisa loves the outdoors, traveling (ask her about her recent trip to Israel!), and studying scripture. Lisa is an incredible, loving caregiver, and her skills in this area translate to gifts of service and mercy in the spiritual realm.